Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a type of physical touch therapy often used to treat many different pain symptoms in the body. Fascia is a very important system in our body that often gets overlooked. Fascia is a framework that connects all tissues such as the muscles, bones, tendons and even blood supply. It holds together our entire body. It is flexible and supple when healthy. It allows our body to move without pain. Understanding everything about fascia can give you incredible gains in your health. Western medicine has done a great job of convincing us that the disease we suffer is genetic and that stiffness in old age is normal. Yet cellular biologists are discovering that a major cause of disease are adhesions in the fascia.
Pain that is held in our bodies may be caused from trauma, overuse or injury of a muscle, various toxins, dehydration, unhealthy eating habits, poor sleep quality or daily stress. There are many different modalities and ways to treat the body. The technique that I utilize is a very gentle, hands-on approach of body positioning to allow the fascia “slack” and facilitate the release of trapped inflammation and toxins with a therapeutic release.
This type of bodywork that I perform is capable of resolving a persistent protective reflex and calming or even eliminating the symptomatic presentation of countless conditions. Healthy, supple and hydrated fascia increases permeability which means the flow of vitamins, minerals and oxygen is also increased around the body. This is equal to good health.
Here is a really cool video that shows us a deeper look into the complex world of the fascial layer: